Hammer Toes: Why Your Toes Are Acting Out (and How to Fix Them!)

Written by Riccardo Galeotti, your go-to expert for Canberra acupuncture and foot fixes.

Let’s talk about hammer toes – no, not the kind you use for DIY projects, but those pesky bent toes that feel like they’re on strike! About 3% of adults deal with these painful foot rebels, and while they sound harmless, they can lead to some serious discomfort if left untreated. So, why do our toes decide to curl up like they’re auditioning for a claw-footed monster role? Let’s dive in!

What’s a Hammer Toe, Anyway?

Hammer toes are what happens when your toes (usually the second, third, or fourth) decide to bend at the middle joint, looking more like little hammers than happy, straight toes. There are two kinds:


Flexible Hammer Toe: You can still straighten it with a bit of force. It’s like your toe is saying, “I’m bendy, but I could still be convinced.”

Rigid Hammer Toe: No amount of pushing will fix it. This one’s like the stubborn friend who refuses to move even when the party’s over.


Hammer Toe’s Sidekicks: Mallet Toe and Claw Toe

It’s not just about hammer toes! Let’s introduce you to their sneaky cousins:

Mallet Toe: This one buckles at the tip, mostly affecting the second and third toes. You might find some blisters underneath the nail bed – not fun!

Claw Toe: As the name suggests, it curls like a claw. Both toe joints bend, and your shoe loves rubbing against the top of the joint, causing calluses. Yay!

Why Do Hammer Toes Happen?

Your toes don’t just decide to strike for no reason. Hammer toes are caused by muscle imbalances, foot injuries, or wearing shoes that are way too tight (we’re looking at you, high heels!). But that’s not all—hereditary factors, arthritis, diabetes, and even having a longer second toe can put your feet at risk of becoming hammer time central.

Symptoms That Scream “Hammer Toe”

• Pain in the top of your toe, especially when wearing shoes.

• Redness, swelling, and corns (as if you needed more toe drama).

• Trouble moving your toe, or worse, feeling like it’s stuck in one position.

• In severe cases, sores might form on top or at the tip of the affected toe.


Treatment: How The Body Lab Can Help

First off, ditch the tight shoes! Go for something with a wide toe box that won’t turn your feet into a squashed mess. Next, get professional help. At our The Body Lab clinic, we’ll assess the whole foot (and even your knees) to figure out what’s going on. Most treatments for hammer toes are non-surgical, focusing on muscle balance, foot mobilisation and therapy to elongate those rebellious tendons.

Don’t Let Your Toes Keep You Down!

If you’re dealing with hammer toe pain, it’s time to take action. Our treatments can help restore balance to your feet, relieve pain, and prevent those toes from turning into permanent hammers.


Book a free callback today, or visit us at our Canberra clinic and get your toes back in line – literally!


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