Natural Concussion Recovery in Canberra | The Body Lab

A New Approach to Concussion Treatment in Canberra

If you or your child has suffered a concussion, you know how confusing and frustrating the road to recovery can be. A diagnosis from your GP is a critical first step—but then what? At The Body Lab, we offer a natural, comprehensive approach to concussion recovery that goes beyond diagnosis to provide real, hands-on treatment that helps reset the body after head trauma.

As a parent of a child who has experienced multiple concussions, I know firsthand how difficult it can be to navigate the healthcare system when it comes to effective post-concussion care. Despite clear symptoms, my son’s GP provided a diagnosis—but no formal treatment strategy. Physiotherapy helped with symptoms like dizziness and neck pain, but no one addressed the actual trauma to the skull—the very structure that absorbed the impact.

Why The Body Lab Is Different

Most current concussion treatment models in Canberra focus on diagnosis and symptom management. Physiotherapists, for example, can provide:

  • Cervical and vestibular rehabilitation

  • Balance and coordination training

  • Neck and posture exercises

While these methods are important, they often don’t address the cranial system directly—a vital step for full neurological recovery.

At The Body Lab, we take a whole-body, cranial-focused approach. Our recovery model combines:

  • Cranial Therapy to restore subtle bone motion, reset cranial pressure, and support cerebrospinal fluid flow

  • Acupuncture to regulate the nervous system, reduce inflammation, and ease symptoms like headaches, anxiety, and fatigue

These two powerful therapies are delivered in an integrative format, tailored to each client’s symptoms and recovery timeline.

The Missing Link in Concussion Care: Treating the Cranium

Concussions are not just neurological—they are also mechanical. A head knock can shift the subtle articulations of the skull bones, affecting:

  • Intracranial pressure

  • Blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow

  • Sensory integration

  • Autonomic nervous system regulation

Resetting the cranium through manual therapy is a critical—but overlooked—step. Our cranial therapy supports tissue mobility, releases tension patterns, and restores the “breath” of the skull. Without this intervention, many post-concussion symptoms linger for weeks, months, or even years.

Natural Concussion Therapy at The Body Lab Canberra

Red Flags: When to Seek Emergency Care

Before seeking therapy, ensure that any red flag symptoms are ruled out by a medical provider. If you or your child experiences the following, go to your nearest emergency department:

  • Loss of consciousness

  • Seizures or convulsions

  • Repeated vomiting

  • Worsening headaches

  • Loss of sensation or movement in arms or legs

  • Inability to turn head 45 degrees

  • Loss of bowel/bladder control

  • Slurred speech or unusual behavior

These may indicate more serious injury to the brain or cervical spine that requires urgent medical care, please seek an emergency department at your local hospital

Our Services for Concussion Recovery

We offer two unique and evidence-informed services, each with a dedicated approach to post-concussion care:

Acupuncture for Concussion Therapy in Canberra

  • Treats headaches, dizziness, fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbances

  • Uses neurological acupuncture techniques to reduce pain and inflammation

  • Targets the vagus nerve and autonomic nervous system for improved regulation

Cranial Therapy for Post-Concussion Syndrome in Canberra

  • Focuses on gentle cranial-sacral techniques to restore skull mobility

  • Enhances cerebrospinal fluid flow and brain-body integration

  • Ideal for children, athletes, and adults with lingering symptoms

The Body Lab’s Unique Expertise

As a sports trainer and strength & conditioning coach having worked weekly with Vikings Rugby and currently with Belconnen Sharks, I see concussions every weekend on the field. I’ve completed formal training in concussion management, and I understand both the immediate and long-term needs of concussion patients.

What sets my practice apart:

  • Hands-on cranial therapy and acupuncture in one place

  • Experience with acute and chronic concussions

  • Collaborative care with physios, GPs, and sports coaches

  • A calm, supportive environment for recovery at your own pace

Book Your Natural Concussion Recovery Session in Canberra

If you’re frustrated with being told to “wait it out,” we offer something different. At The Body Lab, we help your body heal naturally by restoring balance to the nervous system and skull—not just treating symptoms.

📍 Serving: Canberra City, Ainslie, Braddon, Dickson, Inner North

🗓 Click below to explore our concussion therapy options:

👉 Learn more about Acupuncture for Concussion

👉 Learn more about Cranial Therapy for Concussion

Or contact us for a free 10-minute consultation.

& Book a concussion treatment here