Meet Riccardo: Your Body’s New Best Friend

Welcome to the wonderful world of you—well, a healthier, more mobile, pain-free version of you! Riccardo Galeotti here, and since 2008, I’ve been on a mission to help the fine folks of Canberra stop “putting up” with pain and start living again. How? By blending the wisdom of Classical Chinese Acupuncture, cranial therapy, and modern biomechanics. Think of it as a cocktail of ancient healing and scientific smarts—with a twist of strength conditioning for that extra oomph.

What I Do (and Why You’ll Love It)

Here’s the deal: I don’t just slap a Band-Aid on your aches and call it a day. Nope, I dive deep into the root causes of your pain and discomfort, and I’m all about teaching you how to take charge of your body. We’re talking long-term solutions here, not quick fixes. I’ve spent over 18 years perfecting my craft in Classical Chinese Acupuncture, cranial-sacral therapy, and functional biomechanics. The result? A treatment plan that’s as unique as you are—and it doesn’t just address symptoms, it tackles those sneaky internal imbalances and funky movement patterns that keep you feeling “off.”

The Secret Sauce: A Blend of East Meets West

I combine Eastern wisdom (acupuncture, anyone?) with Western science. This means we’ll work on your internal imbalances while making sure your body moves like a well-oiled machine—especially when walking. And hey, I’ve got the receipts: since 2014, I’ve been mentored by biomechanics legend Gary Ward, so when it comes to fixing how you move, I’m your guy. Expect me to geek out on how you stand, walk, and sit—and show you how to do it better!

No Fluff, Just Real Talk

In 2023, I took my passion for biomechanics to the next level by launching an education company specifically for health professionals. Through workshops and webinars, I’ve been sharing the goods on functional biomechanics (movement therapy) with therapists, trainers, and movement specialists across the country. Whether you’re a client or a therapist, you’ll walk away (pun intended) knowing how to manage your health and mobility like a pro. I believe the goal isn’t just to get you out of pain, it’s to teach you how to stay out of pain and keep thriving. Plus, my down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach means you’ll actually enjoy the process (and maybe laugh a bit too). And let’s not forget the magic of Chinese medicine for that internal alchemy—balancing your energy, calming your mind, and restoring that body harmony from the

So, if you’re tired of quick fixes that never stick, come meet your new body BFF at The Body Lab. Let’s get you moving better, feeling better, and—dare I say it—living better.

Ready to Take the First Step?

Let’s kick that pain to the curb, one well-aligned step at a time!

Professional Associations & Education

  • The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra), Chinese Medicine Practitioner CMR0001710262

  •  Australian Traditional Medicine Society, Membership no. 23000

  • The Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA)