Why You Should Book with Me for Canberra Movement Therapy: Spoiler Alert—It’s Not Just About the Pain

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. You’re in pain. Maybe it’s that annoying back twinge that’s been bothering you for ages, or perhaps your neck is staging a full-blown revolt every time you turn your head. Either way, you’re here because nothing else has worked, right? Well, welcome to Canberra Movement Therapy at The Body Lab, where I, Riccardo, am on a mission to get your body back in action—not just to make the pain disappear for a day, but to keep it away for good.

And listen, I get it—when people hear the words “movement therapy,” they either imagine interpretive dance or think I’m going to tell them to stretch more. Spoiler: neither is true (though if you do want to dance it out, I won’t stop you). What I actually do is assess how your entire body works as one big, interconnected system. Because, let’s be honest, your body is a little like a Jenga tower—pull the wrong piece (or in this case, let your foot placement go unchecked), and the whole thing wobbles.

Functional biomechanics, acupuncture canberra, cranial therapy, movement therapy, pain relief, mobility.

Foot Scans? Yes, I’m Serious. Your Feet Are Important!

And yes, I’ll even scan your feet. Why? Because if your foot mechanics are off, your whole body’s out of balance. Think of your feet as the foundation of a house. If the foundation is crooked or weak, it doesn’t matter how much you fix the walls—the house is still going to lean. Same goes for your body. I’ll use high-tech foot pressure analysis to see if those arches of yours are secretly sabotaging your hips, spine, and everything else.

And trust me, I know you didn’t come in thinking, “My feet are probably the reason I’ve had this chronic neck pain for years.” But once we get them sorted, you’ll be amazed at how everything else starts to fall into place.

I’ve seen it time and again: fix your foot placement, and suddenly your back, hips, and knees stop being dramatic. Who knew your feet were such divas?

Get Ready for the Long Game

Now, I’m not here to give you some quick “feel good for a day” fix. That’s not how I roll. My approach is about getting to the root of your issues and setting you up with the tools to keep that pain away for good. So yeah, I’ll give you exercises. And yes, you’ll have to do them (because, unfortunately, I can’t follow you around like a personal trainer-slash-nagging life coach). But trust me, your future self will thank you when you’re moving pain-free.

So, if you’re ready to finally stop playing whack-a-mole with your pain and actually figure out why your body’s been throwing tantrums, book a session with me. Let’s get you moving better—and laughing about how ridiculous it is that your feet were causing all that drama in the first place.

Physio, Chiro, Osteo—Great, But Here’s the Deal

Don’t get me wrong—physios, chiros, and osteos do great work. But here’s where things tend to fall apart: most of them focus on specific areas. Your physio is great at acute injuries. Your chiro will give your spine some solid cracks and send you on your way. Osteos? They’ll treat your body more holistically, but they often stop short of digging into how your whole body moves in everyday life. They’re all good at what they do, but they can end up playing a never-ending game of “whack-a-mole” with your symptoms.

That’s where I come in—I’m not just looking at the part of you that hurts. I’m looking at the whole system. We’re talking about how you walk, how your feet hit the ground, how your spine aligns when you’re standing in your neutral pose, and whether that old ankle injury from high school is still causing havoc years later. (Spoiler: it probably is.)

Let’s Get Real About Fixing Your Pain

Look, I know what you really want is to stop feeling like your body is waging an internal war every time you try to move. You don’t just want a quick fix, you want a solution that actually lasts. That’s why I offer more than just symptom relief—I help you tackle the root cause, and then give you a personalized movement plan so you can actually stay pain-free. Whether it’s a 60-minute session to target a specific issue, or a Comprehensive Biomechanical Assessment (which is a fancy way of saying, “I’m going to check out everything from how you walk to how your joints line up”), we’ll figure out what’s going on and create a plan that’s designed specifically for you.

And here’s the thing—I won’t just send you off with a list of exercises you’ll never do. I record everything we work on and send it to you so you can follow along, even when you’re at home. It’s like having me in your pocket, without the awkwardness of actually carrying me around.

What to expect
  • At The Body Lab, you can choose between two distinct movement therapy options: Choose the option that best suits your needs for a personalised approach to improving your movement and overall well-being .You can choose between two types of treatment options: initial movement therapy or comprehensive biomechanical treatment. As part of the comprehensive treatment, you will be asked to record a video of your walk (gait) and send it to me for analysis before your appointment or conduced at your first appointment if you choose. This is an essential part of the comprehensive biomechanical assessment. For the initial movement therapy, a walking assessment is not conducted unless requested.

  • When you book your first appointment using the online form, you will be guided through some questions about the reason for your appointment and your physical history, including past injuries, trauma, or accidents.

  • Your appointment will start with a thorough review of the information you provide about your reason for presenting and your physical history. It is best to tell me everything that has happened to your body no matter how small or insignificant it may seem.

  • At The Body Lab, you can choose between an initial movement therapy session or a comprehensive biomechanical assessment, each lasting between 60 and 90 minutes. The initial movement therapy does not assess gait or foot pressure analysis. Only the comprehensive biomechanical assessment includes the four stages: gait (walking) analysis, foot pressure analysis, postural assessment, and dynamic assessment. Detailed explanations of each stage are provided below.

  • These different assessment tools are used to identify the reason behind the specific condition or pain a client presents with, the understanding of which will then inform a tailored movement therapy treatment. Your movements will be recorded and sent to you for continued practice after your session for the comprehensive treatment only.

Why I Can Help (Hint: It’s Not Just About the Pain—It’s About the Cause)

Here’s the deal: Canberra Movement Therapy doesn’t just focus on where you feel pain. That’s just the final chapter of the story your body’s been telling for years. The real drama started a long time ago—probably with a misstep (pun intended) in how your body moves. I’m not here to throw needles at your sore spot or crack your back and send you off. My approach goes deeper.

I’ll assess your gait, break down how your feet (those unsuspecting troublemakers) are affecting your entire body, and dig into your posture to see if years of hunching over your laptop like Quasimodo are catching up with you. We’re realigning your body from the ground up so that not only do you feel better, but you stay better.

The Benefits: Long-Term Solutions, Not Quick Fixes

I know you’re not looking for a quick fix that lasts a day or two. You want a real solution that sticks. That’s why my goal isn’t just to make you feel better right now—it’s to give you the tools to stay pain-free. I’ll create a personalized movement plan tailored to you, whether it’s a 60-minute session to target a specific issue or a Comprehensive Biomechanical Assessment to check everything from how you walk to how your joints line up. We’ll figure out the root cause of your pain and tackle it for the long haul.

And here’s the kicker—I don’t just send you off with a list of exercises you’ll never do. Everything we work on is recorded and sent to you so you can follow along at home. It’s like having me in your pocket, minus the awkwardness of actually carrying me around.

Why Choose Me Over Everyone Else?

I Look at the Whole System: While your physio, chiro, or osteo might focus on specific areas, I treat your body as one interconnected machine. Got foot pain? Let’s check your shoulders. Neck pain? We’re looking at how your hips move.

Foot Scans & Gait Analysis: Unlike other practitioners, I bring in the big guns—like foot pressure scans and gait analysis—to see what your body is really up to when you’re walking and standing. Trust me, your feet are more important than you think.

Comprehensive and Personalised: This isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. You get a personalised treatment plan that tackles the root cause of your pain. And I’m with you every step of the way (pun intended).

Education for the Long Haul: My goal isn’t just to fix you up and send you on your way. I give you the tools and exercises to manage your pain and movement long-term. Think of it as a personal care plan for your body that you can keep using, even when I’m not there nagging you.

So, if you’re tired of the pain, fed up with temporary fixes, and ready to actually understand why your body is acting up, it’s time to book a session. Whether it’s a single injury site or a full-body overhaul, I’ve got your back (and your feet, and your hips, and your neck…). Let’s get you moving better and feeling better—for good.

Book your session today, and let’s get your body out of this pain spiral once and for all. Your feet (and the rest of your body) will thank you later.