How Gait Analysis with Riccardo Helped Me Overcome Chronic Pain

The Body Lab Gait Analysis

When I first heard about Riccardo and his gait analysis services, I was desperate. After years of struggling with foot, knee, and lower back pain, I felt like I had tried everything. I visited countless physiotherapists, massage therapists, and doctors. Each provided temporary relief, but the pain always returned. It wasn’t until I started working with Riccardo at The Body Lab in Canberra that I finally experienced the long-term relief I had been searching for.

The Turning Point: Discovering Gait Analysis

Before meeting Riccardo, I didn’t know much about gait analysis. It’s a detailed assessment of how you walk, evaluating every component from how your feet strike the ground to the motion of your hips and even how your arms swing. Riccardo uses and teaches a method of gait analysis that has been expanded from the principles of Anatomy in Motion (AiM). This approach goes beyond traditional gait analysis by looking at movement in three dimensions and identifying subtle issues that can lead to pain.

The Assessment: Understanding the Source of My Pain

The first session was eye-opening. Riccardo didn’t just focus on my feet but considered how my entire body moved as a whole. He explained that while my foot pain was the most obvious symptom, the root causes could actually lie elsewhere—such as in how my hips and spine were moving. Through his thorough evaluation, Riccardo identified several dysfunctional movement patterns I had unknowingly developed over the years, contributing to my chronic pain.

Moving Beyond Gait Analysis: The Movement Assessment

After the gait analysis, Riccardo conducted a movement assessment to further understand how my entire body was functioning. This involved evaluating how different joints moved in relation to each other during specific exercises and testing my body’s response to various movement challenges. Riccardo explained that assessing my movement patterns in different positions provided a more complete picture of how my body compensated for its limitations, and helped pinpoint the areas that needed targeted intervention.


Step by Step: The Treatment Process

Riccardo’s approach was refreshingly different. Instead of prescribing a one-size-fits-all treatment, he designed a plan tailored specifically for me, based on insights from both the gait analysis and the movement assessment. The therapy involved targeted exercises and movements to address these dysfunctional patterns. It wasn’t just about stretching or strengthening individual muscles; it was about retraining my body to move more efficiently. Here’s what my journey looked like:

Phase One: Rediscovering Movement

Riccardo had me perform simple exercises that helped me feel how my feet, hips, and spine were supposed to move. For example, we focused on how the arch of my foot engaged when I shifted my weight, and how this connected to my knee and hip movements.

Phase Two: Addressing the Pain

As I began to move more naturally, Riccardo introduced specific interventions aimed at reducing pain. He used techniques such as foot mobilisation and acupuncture to release tension, improve circulation, and support the healing process.

Phase Three: Building New Movement Patterns

With the pain subsiding, we worked on strengthening these new, healthier movement patterns to make sure they became my “new normal.” Riccardo showed me how to incorporate these movements into daily activities, which helped reinforce the changes.


The Results: Finally, Pain-Free

After a few months of consistent sessions with Riccardo, I noticed significant changes. The foot pain that had once dominated my life was virtually gone, and the knee and back pain were greatly reduced. I was even able to return to jogging—a hobby I had given up on years ago.

What I found most remarkable was that Riccardo’s approach wasn’t just about treating symptoms. It was about understanding the entire system—how different parts of the body influence each other—and addressing the underlying cause of my pain. I finally felt like I had control over my body again, and I knew what to do if discomfort ever crept back.

Why Gait Analysis and Movement Assessment with Riccardo Made the Difference

The level of insight Riccardo brought to my treatment made all the difference. He didn’t rely on quick fixes or temporary solutions. Instead, he empowered me to understand my body’s movement and gave me the tools to stay pain-free for the long haul. If you’ve been struggling with chronic pain and feel like nothing has worked, I encourage you to give Riccardo’s gait analysis and movement assessment a try. It was a game-changer for me, and it might just be the solution you’ve been looking for.

“Working with Riccardo was a life-changer. I went from daily foot pain to running 5Ks without discomfort.”
— Sarah T. (Canberra)

Ready to Take Your First Step Toward a Pain-Free Life?

Book a Gait Analysis Session Today

Don’t let pain control your life. Schedule a gait analysis with an Initial treatment with Riccardo at The Body Lab and discover how you can start moving better today.


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