Introductory Exploration of Anatomy in Motion

Introductory exploration of Anatomy in Motion, individuals are introduced to the marvel that is the human body—a remarkable ever adaptable structure that meticulously evolved to function ceaselessly for decades.

Each human body possesses a distinctive anatomical blueprint, comparable to the uniqueness found in facial features or fingerprints. Despite shared anatomical characteristics, the guide emphasises the individuality of movement patterns, highlighting that no two people move in precisely identical ways due to vast potential list of injuries, trauma, early developmental years and daily routines. However the human body possesses an extraordinary ability to autonomously regenerate and heal.

What is Anatomy in Motion?

Anatomy in Motion stands as a transformative approach to healing through movement, fostering the discovery of your body's optimal alignment for seamless and unrestrained motion. This holistic method operates on the fundamental belief that all elements are interconnected and interdependent. Any imbalance or misalignment in one part of the body resonates through the entire organism.


At its core, AIM equips individuals with tools and exercises designed to reintroduce the body to optimal movement, governed by three cardinal rules of motion:

  1. Muscles Lengthen Before They Contract: Contrary to the misconception that muscle contraction occurs solely when the muscle is at rest, AIM recognises that the degree of contraction hinges on the lengthening of the muscle. This lengthening is contingent on the motion of associated joints. AIM orchestrates the reorganisation of the body, compelling every muscle to contract by facilitating full joint movement.

  2. Joints Act and Muscles React: Dispelling the common notion that joint function relies on muscle contraction, AIM emphasises that joints lead the way. As joints move, muscles contract to stabilize and safeguard them. AIM prioritises the quality of joint movement over muscle movement, ensuring that muscles align when joints perform optimally.

  3. Everything Orbits Around Center: Acknowledging that the centre of gravity lies in the belly, AIM emphasises the importance of anatomical alignment and central points in joints. The method recognises that joints, in motion, pass through their centre, shaping movement, posture, and potential. Retraining the brain is integral to guiding joints back to their true centre through motion.

  4. Perceived Center Dictates Movement, Posture, Pain, and Potential: AIM delves into the perception of "normal" movement, unveiling a potential disconnect between comfort and ideal movement. The brain's regulation of the perception of center, subject to alteration due to injury, underscores the need to retrain the brain. This process facilitates the rediscovery of joints' true center, fostering good posture, pain relief, and the realization of performance potential.

  5. Perfection is Hardwired and Preinstalled: AIM fundamentally asserts that our bodies inherently possess the knowledge of achieving and maintaining ideal movement. This concept aligns with dynamic neuromuscular stabilization therapy (DNS), drawing from the innate instincts guiding an infant's development. Essentially, AIM is a reminder to our bodies of the inherent knowledge they already possess and always drawn towards.


Gary Ward, the visionary behind AIM, champions the inherent healing capacity of the body and advocates for individuals to assume responsibility for their well-being. While many trainers and therapists typically emphasise muscle strengthening and stretching in their pursuit of restoring balance and enhancing symmetry, AIM takes a distinct approach. Instead of solely concentrating on these conventional methods, AIM directs its attention to transforming the body's perception of its center or neutral position. The program is designed to cultivate a heightened awareness of movement, empowering individuals to liberate themselves from pain and achieve unrestricted mobility.

At the core of AIM lies the transformative Flow Motion Model. This model recognises that, throughout the human walking gait cycle, each joint moves in three planes of motion, synchronised with the joints above and below it. It acknowledges the existence of specific optimal joint motions that refine joint mechanics concerning adjacent joints. When a joint deviates from its optimal movement, it can induce pain in other body parts, persisting until the irregular joint movement is rectified.

Conventional methods such as foam rolling, stretching, massage, medications, steroid injections, or surgery may offer temporary relief for specific pain areas. However, lasting resolution demands the identification and correction of misaligned joints. The Flow Motion Model actively seeks out these errant joints, reeducating them to move and function harmoniously with their counterparts, ultimately restoring pain-free functional movement.

This model is dedicated to reinstating efficiency and fluidity in joint movement, fostering enhanced power, strength, and flexibility. Unlike traditional training and therapy approaches that may take months, the Flow Motion Model stands out by swiftly restoring ideal movement patterns in mere minutes, reshaping the body's actions and their timing.

Alignment and Human Well-being

In the realm of human movement, chronic pain in one area, like the right knee, prompts the body to automatically readjust, redistributing the workload to the left leg. This adjustment leads to alterations in spinal and pelvic alignment, overloading structures in the left leg, rearranging upper body posture, and setting the stage for potential discomforts later in life.

In discussions with Gary, he asserts that a substantial 90 percent of pain issues stem from some form of injury, no matter how minor, experienced throughout one's lifespan. Even if one cannot recall specific treatments for injuries, childhood incidents such as falls, bike accidents, or playground mishaps leave lasting impacts, producing protective neural changes in the central nervous system. These changes can alter one's sense of center, potentially resurfacing years later to cause pain and dysfunction.

Beyond postural and mechanical consequences, misalignment induces muscle tension. This tension, in turn, exerts stress on circulatory, lymphatic, and neural systems, disrupting the flow of fluids and neural signals throughout the body and contributing to pain and metabolic dysfunction.

While many attribute aches, pains, and mobility issues to the natural aging process, it's crucial to recognize that pain and dysfunction are not inherent to aging. Instead, they serve as the body's communication, signaling that something is amiss in terms of alignment. These issues not only affect movement but also impact self-perception and overall health.

Promoting Healing through AIM

AIM serves as a catalyst for healing by prompting a heightened awareness of our daily movement patterns. In the routine of performing familiar tasks, AIM brings attention to often overlooked aspects of how we move, revealing inefficient motor strategies and detrimental postures. The primary objective of AIM is to cultivate equal access for joints to traverse all three planes of human movement, ensuring unrestrained motion toward each joint's end range. The repetitive motions associated with sports, exercise, and everyday activities can disrupt the body's balance, compromising symmetrical movement and leading to a gradual acceptance of limitations, often evident in expressions like having a problematic knee or a troublesome back.

When seeking traditional medical assistance for knee pain, practitioners typically focus on the specific area of discomfort without delving into broader considerations such as gait analysis, posture assessment, or identification of imbalanced motor patterns in the upper body. This narrow approach, driven by insurance reimbursement structures, may overlook critical factors contributing to pain. Consequently, if knee pain is rooted in gait deficiencies, conventional treatments may merely manage the condition rather than facilitate true healing.

AIM therapy takes a holistic approach, concentrating on restoring equilibrium throughout the entire body to create an environment conducive to healing. Examining the body comprehensively, from toes to head, AIM identifies missing joint movements and compensatory patterns that may have developed. The essence of AIM lies in uncovering these gaps and reintroducing joints to their neutral centers, thus restoring functional movement. AIM equips individuals with the necessary tools to facilitate the healing process, allowing the body to move in alignment with its inherent design.

Exploring the Process of Identifying Missing Elements

Unraveling the intricacies of Anatomy in Motion begins with a profound understanding of foot mechanics, serving as the foundational element. The foot, being the sole point of contact with the ground during walking, dictates movement from the ground upward. When foot mechanics falter, the repercussions can extend upward, impacting the knees, hips, pelvis, and spine. This domino effect places undue strain on joints, compelling them out of alignment and potentially resulting in pain throughout the lower extremities, pelvis, and low back. Moreover, this misalignment may reverberate further up the kinetic chain, manifesting as discomfort in the upper back, neck, and shoulder girdle.

Crucially, the brain heavily relies on proprioceptive messages from the feet to inform decisions regarding muscle recruitment and firing patterns throughout the body. Any flaws in foot mechanics reverberate across the entire body's joints. The initiation of AIM therapy involves a meticulous assessment of how the feet make contact with the ground. Subsequently, the evaluation extends to scrutinising the alignment of the feet in relation to the pelvis, ribcage, skull, and the intricate network of structures connecting them—examining these dynamics in three dimensions. This comprehensive approach allows AIM to identify missing elements and provides a foundation for addressing and correcting imbalances throughout the body's kinetic chain.

Exploring the Significance of Gait Analysis

Our comprehensive assessment at The Body Lab encompasses both static and dynamic postures, integrating pressure plate to scrutinise weight distribution, foot pressure, and centre of mass. Additionally, we employ a 3D gait analysis to delve into the intricacies of your walking pattern. This multifaceted evaluation, spanning approximately 6 to 8 seconds—the duration of a gait cycle—provides valuable insights into the quality of your movement.

In the realm of gait, every joint, from toes to skull, assumes a unique role, moving in all three dimensions throughout the entire cycle. Should any joint fail to perform its designated function, it disrupts the seamless progression of the gait cycle. When the gait is optimal, joint movements synchronize harmoniously, resulting in fluidity and balanced weight distribution.

The three-dimensional gait analysis serves as a diagnostic tool, offering a comprehensive view of the intricate interactions among muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints during full-body motion. Factors such as past injuries, surgeries, postural habits, and repetitive motions can induce compensatory adjustments, altering the distribution of muscle and gravitational forces. Over time, these compensation patterns become ingrained due to neuroplastic changes within the central nervous system, resulting in mechanical alterations that reverberate throughout the entire body.

Gait analysis plays a pivotal role in identifying faulty motor patterns, enabling targeted interventions to retrain both the brain and the body. The ultimate goal is to restore alignment, allowing your body to move in a way that aligns with its natural design and intended functionality. More about Gait Analysis from The Body Lab here.

Exploring the Transformative Impact of AIM Therapy

AIM Therapy stands as a holistic and all-encompassing approach that simultaneously addresses the myriad structures integral to human movement. The multifaceted benefits of AIM Therapy unfold through a comprehensive restoration of functional joint range of motion, fostering an interconnected harmony among all joints. This approach compels muscles to engage in the most optimal 3-dimensional manner, reshaping movement dynamics at their core.

Simultaneously, AIM Therapy optimizes the loading of fascia surrounding muscle tissue, encouraging a transformative remodeling process. As the fascia adapts to accommodate ideal movement, it plays a pivotal role in enhancing overall structural integrity and fluidity.

An inherent facet of AIM Therapy lies in its automatic retraining of the brain and central nervous system. This intricate process fine-tunes the control of joint movement in response to gravity, establishing a profound connection between the mind and body. The culmination of these efforts manifests when joints rediscover their true center, and ideal movement is seamlessly restored.

AIM Therapy extends its benefits beyond mere restoration, propelling individuals to excel in various physical activities. By fostering peak performance without the hindrance of pain or limitations, AIM enables individuals to unlock the full spectrum of advantages associated with their chosen activities.

Embrace the Possibility of a Pain-Free Life at The Body Lab with Riccardo Galeotti, Your Exclusive AiM Therapist, Practitioner Mentor, and Instructor in Australia - Bringing Anatomy in Motion to You!

Pain and dysfunction should not be considered the status quo, and accepting them as such is unnecessary. At The Body Lab, led by the esteemed Riccardo Galeotti, the sole AiM therapist, practitioner mentor, and instructor in Australia, we redefine the narrative on pain by leveraging innovative methods, including Anatomy in Motion (AiM). Our mission is to delve into the core of discomfort, identifying its root causes, and paving the way for a permanent eradication.

Bid farewell to the limitations imposed by pain and stiffness as you embark on a journey towards optimal movement and a life without unnecessary hindrances. The Body Lab is your gateway to rediscovering the innate capabilities of your body and living your best life in motion.

Contact us today and take the first step towards a future where pain is not the norm, and unrestricted movement becomes your new reality.


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